It’s been 2 years since my last post. Thought since
we are welcoming a new baby I should get this page going again.
Tomorrow we check into the hospital at 10am for a
noon scheduled c-section (as long as my labor doesn't start tonight)
This pregnancy was relatively easy. I never got
sick with any major colds or flus. I had a short "yucky" feeling
window around 14-18 weeks. The usual tired episodes after work. Intense fatigue
around 12-14 and in the early 30's. My tummy felt like it would split in the
35th week-it felt so tight. At night while I watched TV I could feel a lot of
discomfort weeks 36-38. Mostly I have felt this little baby pushing against the
top right side. That is where I notice the strongest movements. At this day
Week 39, Day 1 I feel him push all over inside. My belly swells out, left and
right. He pushes down around and it feels like a corkscrew. I feel pressure
points all over! Its the craziest thing. He is at his strongest yet there isn't
any room left. A few nights ago I actually could feel his hiccups. It was the
exact motion and sync as when we have them.
The movements of the weeks 20, 30 where is feels
like a fish flopping, (Cohen's words) seem more deliberate.
I loved telling the girls they were going to be big
sisters and watching their joy when we told them it was going to be a baby
brother. Ella wanted to name him Cinderella and London requested Brother
Sweetie. We believe his name will be Dylan.
I have known this is my last pregnancy so I have tried to savor
everything and not be in too much of a hurry to get to delivery date. It
is sad to think this is the last baby I will have/carry/feel move. I can
understand why many parents have big families. The miracle is one of the most
unique and special experiences we get to have in this life.
“Being done having babies is a huge life transition, I am realizing…
There’s a depth of emotion to navigate and a letting go that I can only describe
as bittersweet. To never see those two lines on a pregnancy test, to never feel
those butterfly kicks again or drink in the scent of my newborn child…when
those waves of sadness come, I breathe in gratitude. To have three healthy
children is a wonderful blessing” – empoweredbirthproject (Instagram user)
Literally our little guy is at heavens doorstep – just moments away from
joining us – crazy! I Feel him pushing all over like he’s kneading bread (the
inside of me) while I type. Tomorrow my tummy will be still while I hold him
and study every feature.
Its literally after midnight and this is my last chance to sleep a long
night. So I am signing off and will continute this later with our delivery story.