Sunday, July 26, 2009

There are times in life when everything is is one of them

Sunday I was high on life. We had just finished spending the night in Modesto with Cody (Cohen's best friend). As we were driving to San Francisco I was thinking to myself ....There are times in life when everything is is one of them. Here are the reasons I had this train of thought (in the span of 24 hours these things were happening)

1) Just saw Cody and Family
2) Going to see our friends cross the finish line at the San Francisco Marathon
Aubrey ran the full and Kat ran the half
3) Going to see Sam and Ben Spencer and their families
4) Having a massive picnic with the Taylors, Bradys, Oroscos, and Spencers

To say the least it was a time when you can't take enough pictures to capture how you and your best friends lives have changed. You can only sit in a chair and soak it in.

Aubrey Spencer
Kat and Ryan
Aubrey and Kat
Finish Line
Brady Resort
Abby (Ben and Raena's dog) and Diego the tortoise
Cohen and Porter (Mark and Lora's son)

Elijah, Alex and Eliana
All of us
Ben swimming with Dillon (Sam's youngest)
Elijah (Paul and Anita's son) flying

Sam and Alex

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Its Hot in Modesto

(Cohen and Cody at the coast in March)

We spent Saturday with Cody Gingras and his family in Modesto. He is out for the summer managing a Dish TV sales office. It was a HOT night...Modesto is HOT. We enjoyed bbq'ing, swimming, and meeting their friends. It was sweet getting some Gingras time won't be long until they transfer to Phoenix..

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Police Action & Amy turns 30

One night as we were watching Top Chef Masters on our DVR we heard all kinds of lights and sirens outside. We called my dad and found out that the CHP, SRPD and Sonoma County Sheriffs were involved in a car chase that had originated in San Francisco. After 3 hours of chasing it finally ended right outside our place and we were there for the action with our Nikon in hand. Cohen took some amazing picture that got printed on the front page of the Press Democrat along with our quotes.

Amy (Seaman) Willits turned 30 July 16th. Her parents threw her a yummy party!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

This was one of my favorite vacations in a long time. I didn't want this past weekend to come to an end. From the time we hit the runway in SLC we were on the go. After a lot of convincing my parents came with us and I think they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

We had the opportunity to attend Wry and Adrienne's sealing in the Salt Lake City LDS temple with their 2 children. This was a very special, emotional experience for us. We enjoyed being in the temple with its infinite peace while we were joined by family members and W&A's 2 daughters Kennedi and Gracie. The girls looked beautiful dressed in white. Wry is Cohen's older brother. After the sealing we enjoyed a picnic at a nearby park.

(Gracie Jay)

(Amber O. & Kennedi Jay)

It wouldnt be a Jay family weekend without a ton of food. We swam at some friends house in their killer pool.

I ran the Freedom Run 10k. It was a very difficult run at 4500 ft elevation but I was very proud of my performance. I was so nervous the weeks prior to the race that I kept second guessing my ability. It was a relief to cross that finish line and know I had done my best. I loved giving Cohen and Doreen (Mother In Law) a big hug afterwards.

After the run we watched the Provo City parade from Center Street.

(Donovan joined the parade Cohen's youngest brother)

Stadium of Fire with the Jonas Brothers was magical. I loved watching the girls around me scream, shake, and freak out.

(our niece Haley rocking to the Jonas Bros)

Sunday my parents and I attended my sisters ward and I enjoyed watching her teach even if the room that had no air conditioning (90+ degrees outside).

Later in the day Sunday Ryan and Kat Brady joined us for the remainder of the trip. We were so excited to show Kat around Provo and have them meet all the Jays. I wish we could have spent more time there with them. There is so much to see and do. We were surprised to learn that their move to NYC will be in just a few weeks. We are excited for their opportunity but will miss them like crazy.

(Colton & Cameron our nephews)

(Ashur Dunn Cohen's former mission companion)
(Kat & Ryan)
(Havila & Cohen she is Cohen's youngest sister)

Monday we hit Cafe Rio and Seven Peaks. Water parks are the beeeeeest!

Tuesday morning Ryan and Kat dropped us off at the airport at 7am (YAWN!) I seriously didn't want to get on the plane. It was one of my favorite trips and everything went perefectly.