Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturdays are made for shopping

We bought some stuff for our living room. Its fun playing around in a space that we know we will be settled in for a long time. We are toying with using some red in our living room. Its hard because the more you buy the more things you are pretty determined that you need ; )

Its hard to photograph a room but here are some pics of our window coverings before and after todays red accents. We are just soaking it in trying to visualize. The pictures seen above the fireplace are not permanent we just put something there for perspective

Love any feed back on the red accents.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Arizona for a long weekend

I spent a long weekend with my 2 of my best friends Anna and Amber (Pittson). You may recognize them from earlier posts. We have known eachother since we were tiny kids. When we graduated from high school we moved out together. And eventually we moved to Utah and spent some ama zing times together before getting married and being swept across the U.S. We try and see each other 1-2 times a year. I was absolutely blown away by how much the kids have grown up. Amber is expecting her 2nd baby boy.

This trip was originally planned to include Cohen but because of work obligations he had to stay behind. Enjoy some of the pics I took.

Ella 2, Peyton 6 and Kiley 9 (Anna's Daughters)
Anna & Ella
James 2 (Amber's son)
They are 3 weeks apart
Making some pottery
Bath time

On the flight home

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Our soon to be puppy PART II

Unfortunately after Cohen's visit to the breeder we discovered this was not the right litter for us. We will be in search of a new breeder to purchase a puppy from. We are disappointed but we just didn't feel comfortable with the breeder and with such an important choice to be made - we need to feel 100% right.