Wednesday, June 16, 2010

9 years ago

9 years ago the day Cohen and I were married. It was a very busy day in the Oakland Temple. There are a limited amount of rooms where the marriage ceremonies are performed so we were taken into a huge, beautiful, white room to wait until our room/guests were ready. It was incredibly peaceful inside this room. We were both dressed in white and we sat on a soft couch. We were minutes from being married for all time and eternity. And we were totally calm. We sat hand in hand and leaned on eachother. I thought about what our future years would be like. I thought about how we would age and what are children might look like. It was incredibly special to have the short time together alone before spending the rest of the day with our guests. As our lives have gotten busier and at times extremely challenging I close my eyes and I think back to our time in that room together, hand in hand, dressed in white, poised ready to conquer the world.  It brings me peace.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! I loved those few moments of peace too. :)
