Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson 1958-2009

I am one of millions today who mourn the loss of Michael Jackson and his many gifts.  I have lots of memories about Michael Jackson's music and how it affected me. I remember playing his Thriller tape over and over in my boom box as Amanda and I created and performed dance routines in my backyard.  The other one was being 1o years old and finding his star on the Hollywood walk of fame and having my mom take my picture with it. He was the most famous person I knew of as a child at that age and it was an exciting moment to touch his star.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

8 YEARS!!!

June 16, 2001 - June 16, 2009

We celebrated our 8th Wedding Anniversary in San Francisco. We decided to stay real local since we are both getting over horrendous sinus infections/colds.  We had a great time trying new restaurants The Blue Plate and COCO 500. And we packed in the California Science Academy and the de Young Museum.

Of course I forgot the camera so we had to use a disposable soon.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Anna and Scott visit from Arizona

Cohen and I had a great time with Anna (Pittson) and Scott when they came out for Cheryl's wedding.  It was a quick trip they arrived Friday and left Sunday.  We managed to squeeze in meals at Rosso Pizzeria, and Hanks.

We toasted Anna's 31st birthday at Equus lounge.  They have 3 beautiful daughters Kiley, Peyton and Ella and everyone is doing great.

Anna and I have been best friends since we were in 4th grade. I can't believe its been that long.  Where does the time go?????  If you scroll down you will see a picture of Amber and I. She is Anna younger sister who is also my best friend and the 3 of us actually moved to Utah many years ago together......back in '99!!!!!! Now the whole Pittson clan resides in the greater Phoenix area. Just a quick plane ride away.....although I would have anything to have them down the street again ; )