Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Brush to canvas

Cohen is using some of his free time to create beautiful art for our house. I just love sitting in a chair listening to music watching him paint. Generally Cohen expresses his creativity through cooking. It looks like he is finding a new outlet for his imaginative energy.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Time to heal

So for those of you who might not know - we lost our pregnancy at 5 mos. It has been a very difficult time for Cohen and I along with our families and friends. It has brought Cohen and I closer than we thought possible. In January I wrote this on my Facebook page: "This year holds so much promise and hope for us it is breathtaking" January 1 at 12:45am ·

I can't say that at this time I feel the same was as I did at the first of the year. There has been a permanent shift in the way that I think, feel and process life changes. I have always been a sensitive person. Any person that knows me can attest to this fact. I am being tested in complex and deep personal ways.

Before I could finish composing this post and upload it to the web Cohen and I were dealt another relentless blow. After almost 3 years of work at a place that he loved Cohen was laid off. Yes you are reading this right. Less than 2 weeks after we lost our pregnancy Cohen's employer laid him off.......

Where will we go from here?????

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Ultimate Loss, The Ultimate Love, The Final Goodbye

Reach within me deep
Remove this child of mine
Take him with care
He was created with love and hope

Close my eyes and weep
Open my heart and let the pain out
Cohen hold me close

Little one we may be separated by space and time
But no distance can remove the bond you share with me

Reach within me deep
Remove this child of mine
Take him with care
He was created with love and hope

Return to your maker
He will hold you and keep you safe
Until the day we can see your beautiful face
We love you

-Aimee Jay